Zentrix Ai Login

After registering on Zentrix Ai, users will be matched with an investment education firm. The firm’s rep will reach out to provide login details - username and password.

The login details only work on the websites of investment education firms, not on Zentrix Ai. Learners with issues concerning their login details should contact the education firms they are connected to.

How to Register on Zentrix Ai

Register on Zentrix Ai by clicking the sign-up button. Simply fill out the form with a name, email address, and phone number. After registering, representatives from the investment teaching firms they are connected to will contact them on the phone to provide more information.
Your first name is too short (at least 2 characters)
Your last name is too short (at least 2 characters)
Please enter your real email address ([email protected])

Connecting you to the firm
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